The process of creation
Cela fait maintenant 20 ans que je crée des sites internet et 5 ans que c'est mon activité professionnelle seule et unique, la source de revenus de ma petite famille, le coeur de mes journées de travail pleines et entières au service de mes clients, de leur projet, de leur image, de leur business.
Ce travail me passionne toujours autant et me stimule chaque jour de la semaine.
Fort de ces années d'expérience, de plus d'une centaine de sites produits et déjà de plus d'un million de visiteurs uniques sur mes créations, je me suis toujours promis d'apprendre, encore et toujours, de chaque rencontre, de chaque projet, de chaque situation.
Ainsi, j'ai essayé de concevoir la relation client et le processus créatif les plus optimaux en termes de temps, de productivité, de créativité, de rigueur et avant toute chose de satisfaction client.
Voici comment se déroulerait notre relation à partir de votre commande si vous me faisiez l'honneur de m'accorder votre confiance pour la réalisation de votre site internet.
1/ Votre commande
Une fois votre type de site choisi ainsi que vos options éventuelles, vous pouvez commander ma prestation en validant un devis que je vous aurai préparé me basant sur le recueil de vos envies et besoins et sur mon expérience afin d'être le plus juste et pertinent possible.
Une fois ce devis accepté ou ajusté, vous pouvez régler le premier acompte de votre commande de plusieurs manières :
- par virement bancaire
- par chèque
- par carte bancaire
- par PayPal
A réception de ce paiement (généralement 50% du montant total), je vous bloque des créneaux de production dans mon agenda et vous ouvre des accès vers mes documents de travail.
Sachez également que nous pouvons discuter de modalités de paiement différentes si cela vous arrange (trois ou quatre fois par exemple ...).
Bien évidemment, vous recevrez immédiatement une facture complète justifiant votre achat.
2/ Le recueil de vos envies et besoins
Vous trouverez facilement avec un lien dans un courriel un espace de travail contenant des dossiers et documents permettant d'organiser notre relation. Vous verrez, tout est numéroté, accessible en ligne dans votre navigateur directement. J'ai pensé et conçu cet espace pour vous permettre de me donner le plus simplement possible vos contenus et aspirations. Je peux vous envoyer mes questions et documents à remplir par mail directement également si vous préférez.
Cette étape est cruciale et doit vous permettre d'exprimer toutes vos attentes.
Mon objectif : vous permettre d'avoir le site internet dont vous avez envie, que votre activité mérite, d'un aspect Premium, attrayant pour l'internaute avec l'image d'un grand sérieux et d'une totale sécurité.
3/ La création
Une fois que nous avons réuni les éléments dont je sais avoir besoin pour la création, je rentre en mode "tunnel créatif". Je produis alors le site, y implante vos informations, crée son arborescence, structure chacune des pages, place des vidéos et photos que vous m'avez fournies ou plus généralement que je trouve avec grand soin, peaufine chaque lien, chaque aspect, petit ou grand, de votre site. Je travaille le référencement, le paramétrage des modules spécifiques comme une section blog / actualités si vous en voulez une, le formulaire de la page contact, etc ... Ce gros travail est la partie où votre projet prend vie dans ce grand univers numérique qu'est internet.
4/ Présentation de mon travail
Il est l'heure de vous présenter ma création pensée pour être la plus aboutie possible selon mes connaissances en Webdesign, Interface Utilisateur, Expérience Utilisateur, Conversions et Référencement. Je vous envoie le lien vers cette version de travail et vous laisse de fait l'étudier de près au rythme qui vous conviendra.
5/ Modifications
Là encore, comme pour le recueil d'informations, deux choix possibles :
- vous pouvez remplir un document dans le Drive pour vous aider à me faire vos remontées.
- vous remontez vos demandes à votre rythme par mail.
Qu'il n'y ait pas de changement à faire ou bien de petits ou grands à effectuer : pas de problème entre nous ! Ce qui est le plus important pour moi c'est que le site vous convienne à 100%.
Bien sûr, avec l'habitude, mon expérience et mes connaissances dans le domaine, j'ai parfois une idée différente de la vôtre sur certains aspects. Je vous le dis alors en toute transparence.

I have been creating websites for 20 years now and for 4 years it has been my one and only professional activity, the source of income for my little family, the heart of my full and entire working days at the service of my clients, their project, their image, their business.
This work still fascinates me as much and stimulates me every day of the week (and often on weekends too).
With these years of experience, more than a hundred product sites and already more than a million unique visitors to my creations, I have always promised myself to learn, again and again, from each encounter, every project, every situation.
Thus, I tried to design the most optimal customer relationship and creative process in terms of time, productivity, creativity, rigor and above all customer satisfaction.
Here is how our relationship would unfold from your order if you did me the honor of placing your trust in me for the creation of your website.
1/ Your order
Once you have chosen your type of site as well as your possible options (do not hesitateto contact mebeforehand if you have any questions), you can pay for your order in several ways and all of this of course in an ultra-secure way without necessarily going through the eShop module present on my site:
- by check or bank transfer for payment in 1 or 2 instalments.
- by credit card
- by PayPal with payment in 1 or 4 instalments
Of course, you will immediately receive a complete invoice justifying your purchase.
Upon receipt of your payment, I will block production slots for you in my calendar and give you access to my working documents.
2/ The collection of your desires and needs
You will easily find with a link in an email a workspace containing files and documents to organize our relationship. You will see, everything is numbered, accessible online in your browser directly. I thought and designed this space to allow you to give me your content and aspirations as simply as possible. I can send you my questions and documents to be completed by email directly as well if you prefer.
This step is crucial and should allow you to express all your expectations.
My goal: to allow you to have the website you want, that your business deserves, from a Premium, attractive for the Internet user with the image of great seriousness and total security.
3/ Creation
Once we have gathered the elements that I know I need for the creation, I go into "creative tunnel" mode. I then produce the site, implement your information, create its tree structure, structure each of the pages, place videos and photos that you have provided me or more generally that I find with great care, refine each link, each aspect, small or great, of your site. I work on SEO, setting up specific modules like a blog / news section if you want one, the contact page form, etc ... This big job is the part where your project comes to life in this great digital universe that is internet.
4/ Presentation of my work
It's time to present to you my creation thought to be as successful as possible according to my knowledge in Webdesign, User Interface, User Experience, Conversions and SEO. I send you the link to this working version and leave you to study it closely at the pace that suits you.
5/ Mamendments
Here again, as for the collection of information, two possible choices:
- you can fill out a document in the Drive to help you report to me.
- you submit your requests at your own pace by email.
That there are no changes to be made or small or large to make: no problem between us! What is most important to me is that the site suits you 100%.
Of course, with practice, my experience and my knowledge in the field, I sometimes have a different idea from yours on certain aspects. I tell you then in all transparency.
Depending on the formula you have chosen, I will quickly make the changes following your feedback in one or more waves.
6/ Back Office
At the same time as this period of retouching (I like this term which fits the idea that I have of my practice as both a creator or a digital craftsman), I take care of the Back Office part of the site.
I work onSEOvia a mission plan in the field tailor-made for your activity with very specific actions to be carried out on each page for maximum efficiency: texts, titles, image names, description for Google, meta tags, keywords, ... Everything must be optimized from the start to have a good Quality Score and lead your site to the top search results over time.
If your site is commercial, I implement:
- online payment by creating an accountStripe(leader in the field, ultra-secure, very intuitive for management, low costs .. in short, the perfect solution for e-commerce!). Booking.com, Deliveroo.com, Made.com, ... small or large Web players use this service. Your customers will also have the possibility to pay via PayPal, by Bank Transfer... according to your wishes. With Stripe, revenues from the site are transferred the day after the sale to the bank account of your choice.
- the terms of delivery. Chronopost, UPS, Fedex, Private Parcel ... I also advise you in the field.
7/ Your site is ready!
Ready to sell, ready to sell, ready to give the best possible image of who you are, what you do. In the front office or in the back office, everything is adjusted to the nearest millimeter to last and perform! I connect the domain name you already own or reserve it for you. The site is ready to be browsed worldwide. once the last part of the payment has been received (if payment in two instalments via bank transfer or check - automatic for all other methods of payment), I will provide you with the access codes to a wonderful space around your site. Because yes: you also have access with your hosting package to various very nice and useful tools for managing your activity, administering your site and web marketing.
I will mention here a super simple and intuitive online store management tool for adding, removing or modifying items as well as for managing your orders (my customers have largely passed the 100,000€ sales mark via my sites), a tool editing of top-notch quotes and invoices, a tool also for creating information or promotional mailing lists via the editing of classy and effective mailing campaigns... A treat!
8/ Always connected.
Our relationship does not end there. Although the site is online, thought to be sustainable and autonomous, I will always be there for you, to answer you and help you as soon as possible. I know what I owe to my clients, I live from my passion and work on my own in a field that I particularly like and that, I owe it to the trust that each other has given me over time. . Also, I assure you, my clients are my absolute priority and their satisfaction my greatest obsession. Today, the recommendation exceeds the arrival of new prospects through online advertising or SEO and this is one of my greatest sources of pride. So, if you need information, advice, help for management or a desire to change your site, you can send me a little email and I will do everything to answer it as soon as possible. I have also set up a live chat module on my site reserved exclusively for my customers.
Additional information
Passing by me,you have all the access codes to your site, obviously the status of Owner and therefore the freedom to administer it as you wish and all the explanations for optimal use of all the services linked to its existence. Mail marketing campaigns, store management, creation of posts for social networks, etc ... so many tools and functions to ensure your success online. I hope, by setting up this whole creative system, a transparent, clear, fair, profitable and sustainable web with your full and complete satisfaction in mind at all times of the life of your site.
More than just a Webmaster, I truly want to be your ally and your consultant for your online activities. So, I assure you, I will always be happy to answer all your questions, que this is for your website, your Google Ads campaigns or your image on social networks for example.
Thank you for reading me so far, I am at your service and do not hesitate to contact me via the formon the dedicated pageor directly at clement.vigneron.webmaster@gmail.com.